The countdown has begun. Day 100 is only 11 days away! I had my first appointment with the CBCI
clinic “Long Term Care” provider earlier this week. She went over all of our long-term “life
after transplant” questions and she will be one of the providers that I see
every few months to check in and make sure things are going well. It’s crazy to think that I’m becoming a
“short timer” at the clinic. I will
likely transition back to my primary oncologist, Dr. Liel at Kaiser in August
and then I’ll just attend appointments with Dr. Nash at the transplant clinic
periodically. This summer has flown by
and as I was reflecting yesterday, I continue to be so thankful that everything
has gone according to plan. Everyone
behind the scenes at Kaiser (transplant coordinator) & CBCI, all my docs
collaborating with one another, and the life-saving donation of cells from my
little bro. I truly am SO incredibly
As I near my “Day 100” appointment, I am doing a
bunch of tests so that my transplant doc can compare my results to the
pre-transplant tests. My mom and I will
be traveling downtown today (we have appointments down there every day this
week!) for a pulmonary function test.
This is something that Dr. Nash is very interested in because if you
recall from my blog posts pre-transplant he got very concerned about my
pulmonary function & history of asthma and we had to delay my admission to
the hospital by a few days so that the radiation clinic could create lung
shields to protect my little lungs. I am
very interested to see what the results are this time around (fingers
crossed). I should find out on Aug 2nd
at my clinic appointment when we do the “3 month review”. Next week I have my 3-month bone marrow biopsy. There was some serious drama yesterday around
whether or not Kaiser was going to authorize sedation for my BMBX (and I admit
that I was totally freaked out when they called me and said that they weren’t
sure they could get the sedation authorized).
Thankfully my Kaiser transplant nurse coordinator kicked some butt and
got it authorized this time. She also
said she couldn’t promise anything but she would try to do it again for me when
I am due for my 6 month BMBX this fall.
Aside from the pulmonary function test this
afternoon, I have spinal chemo bright and early tomorrow morning (7:30am) and a
doc appt on Friday. TOMORROW SHOULD BE
off, my mom’s birthday is tomorrow…so we have 2 big things to celebrate tomorrow