Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rock'in 90's Style this Fall

So good to be home... So good in fact that updating the blog has been on my to-do list for several days now... But I just found myself busy doing so many other things that I have wanted or needed to do that this kept slipping further and further down the list.  Lol.  But right now I can't sleep (stupid steroids) so while my boys are in bed I will give ya a quick update :)

Here is a quick run down of what I/we have been up to for the past few days: 

Finally got home from the hospital  and the pharmacy around 745pm on Friday night.  Just in time to catch Scotty before his bedtime!!! :). Best goodnight kiss EVER!!!

Saturday morning my MIL watched Scotty while John drove me on a bunch of errands that had to be done immediately (bank to deposit multiple checks that had come in for me over the past 3 weeks), the grocery store and Costco so I could shop for my GVHD2 diet (very restrictive and needed options since I am only allowed to eat about 1/8 of the things that would normally be dinners or in out pantry/fridge on a regular basis.  We got me well stocked and I feel like I have good options (even if they are SUPER boring).  I have been trying to get creative and try things that I might not have otherwise eaten...but it's really challenging without being able to use any good spices! :( lol.

We quickly ran to Target and Kohls as well on Sat AM so that I could get some Rubbermaid storage containers (more on this below) and a George Formman grill with removable plates (since I am eating a TON of grilled chicken, turkey, and lean pork chops.  The Foreman grill has been awesome!  :)

On Sunday our family photographer came over and did some family photos for is (yay) and also got some pictures of Scotty for his "1 yr. pics". It made me SO happy to know that despite all the craziness in the past month, we were able to keep this appt and get some family photos since it had been a while and nowadays I just simply want to make memories with my boys and the photos help me realize that even though we were physically separated for 17 days, they are where I am "home" in this crazy little world! :)

We watched the Broncos game on Sunday and then Sunday night I got to get my boys ready for their Mondays (felt so grounding and centering to get back to my routine). 

Monday and Tuesday were BUSY with appts all over town which I drove myself to (downtown to the clinic twice, social security office, DMV, 3 trips to different pharmacies, more little errands that I had needed to do all month and trying to get more info on my clinic/doc appt schedule for later in the week so I can make other appts and get my calendar ready for everything.  This has been the most challenging things for me because I have to take meds or check my glucose/administer insulin, plan very specific meals, and I am LITERALLY taking a med or checking my glucose EVERY HR from 6am-2pm and then doing my home IV from 3-5, more meds at 6, dinner and more meds at 7 and then a 2 hr break before my 9pm meds and then nighttime/sleeping meds.  This makes it a HUGE challenge to run any sort of errand or attend an appt because I have to plan even further ahead so I can bring my meds, glucometer, insulin/syringes/etc, pre--cooked & planned meals, and  all my other stuff with me if I leave the house for more than about 45 mins.  It's NUTS!  I am a dang good organizer and this has been a massive challenge/undertaking even with my "mad organizational skills"! :). Lol

Another challenge I am having is that the steroids have all but destroyed my "proximal muscles" which makes me SO weak.  I can't get up off a chair or the couch by myself without bracing on something.  It takes me 5 times as long to go up and down stairs because I have to put so much effort into lifting my legs and I can't carry anything up and down the stairs because I have to use both hands on the railing to balance and help pull myself up!  It is SO incredible frustrating not to be able to run upstairs and grab something, put something away, or simply move around and get stuff done the way I used to.  Doc promised me it will get better as I continue to taper down on my steroid, but it is beyond annoying/frustrating to have to put that much effort into something that I took for granted.  If I need to go upstairs for any reason, I usually have to put on a backpack so I can carry up my phone, iPad, and what ever I need to take up there with me if I am gonna be up there for more than 5 mins since it takes me that long just to get there.  I am like a little turtle with my backpack moving slowly and steadily up and down the stairs in my own house... It cracks me up thinking about it but is also such a pain in the rear!  Lol. I now have a whole new appreciation for other patients/people who struggle with mobility and strength/coordination issues!!!!!!

So, the Rubbermaid tubs that mentioned above are literally about to take over an entire room of our house as I go through my wardrobe from the past 10 years and get ready to consign stuff.  1 yr ago I had just had Scotty and weighed 115 lbs more than I do today... And for the past 8 years before that, I had been wearing sizes that I would rather not mention here. I literally don't have ANY fall/winter clothes that fit me.  I need an entire new wardrobe in a size that fits (and I mean, doesn't FALL off of me or make me look like I am back in the late 1990s/very early 2000s.. the last time I weighed what I do now).  I didn't realize how much stuff I had accumulated in the past 10 yrs and I need to get rid if it so I can but clothes that fit (so I don't look like a hot mess or a kid dressing up in their olders siblings/parents clothes!  Lol. I even need new undies, PJs, fall winter jacket, jeans, shirts, sweaters, etc.  It's kind of a massive undertaking but I want to do it in an organized way so that hopefully I can consign and give away the pieces of my old wardrobe that are still good (just simply don't fit me)... And then shop smartly (sales, basic separates, etc for my new wardrobe).  This is hard for me since everyone who knows me well is aware that I am the absolute furthest thing from being "fashionable" or having any sense of style, really!  If there is anyone out there who has suggestions and or wants to help me out, I would greatly appreciate any/all advice in how I should be finding/building this new wardrobe of mine so that I am wearing clothes that for correctly (esp since my body/shape has changed so drastically in the past 2 years...I don't even know how things are supposed to fit properly).  I feel like I need to be on an episode of "what not to wear" with Clinton and Stacy.  (But I don't have time to shop when I am taking meds and going to appts ever freaking hr of the day!  LOL.  So in the meantime, if ya see me in ill-fitting clothes, walking super slow and I look like I love the 90's fashion trends still...please be kind, I am working on it (as fast as I can with how slow I move these days! ;). lol

Just another fun thing to mention is that I feeling so blessed that I am able to enjoy these last beautiful fall days outside the hospital.  Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year and just being able to see the leaves changing/falling and hearing/smelling the leaves crunch underfoot when I walk anywhere makes my heart SING with gratitude that I get to experience this at home this year and not be in a tiny little hospital room for weeks as my favorite few weeks of the fall season swing right past us!  I am also SUPER excited about the holidays coming up and spending time with family/friends... Making purposeful memories and just savoring those moments that we all take for granted so often when life gets busy and we get caught up in the "hustle and bustle".  This past year has really taught me a lot about perspective, slowing down, and just being grateful for what I do have which is an AMAZING support system, a team of medical providers who have saved my life 3 times now in the past 8 months, and the most beautiful and amazing family/marriage I could EVER ask for!!!!

Love, Chellie

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