Monday, March 4, 2013

The Chemo Cut!

I did it!  I am officially rocking the shaved head look.  NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think that I’d ever have any reason or desire to shave my head (I loved my red hair!!).  It wasn’t nearly as traumatic as I thought (I did shed a tear but it was more for the reason that now I “look” like a cancer patient…even though (aside from the fatigue), I still don’t feel like one)!  My buzz cut reminds me of my brother, Kyle’s, buzz cuts back in the 80’s and how soft they are when you rub them.  We cut off all my dyed red color and I’m back to my “natural” color which I haven’t seen since I was 16 J lol.  Kristi warned me that even this fuzz will still start to fall out and eventually I’ll be totally bald, but at least it will just be little baby fuzz that falls out & not long locks that I find on my pillowcase and in the shower in the morning!  Being the amazing and super supportive husband that he is, John also shaved his head.  We are a family of baldies now! lol

Sporting the Voss Family haircut
My ahhh-mazing cousin Kristi (who is a breast-cancer survivor and also happens to be a super talented hairstylist) came over to give me my “chemo cut” this afternoon.  She brought pictures with her of when she & her sister cut their hair 3 years ago right after she started her chemo and it was nice to look through them & see their emotions right before “going under the clippers” myself J  It was SUPER meaningful that Kristi was the one to do this for me.  Couldn’t ask for a better experience.  THANK YOU KRISTI, you are a rockstar and I LOVE YA!

The Chemo Cut
I’m including some pictures of our “chemo cut” party.  We got to do it in the comfort of my own home (so much better than going to a salon or having it done while in the hospital).  Kristi brought balloons, everyone had a beer (except me) and we made it a party J  I am feeling good still (no fevers) and aside from being tired, no complaints.  Its SO good to be home!!!!


  1. I love that you guys match Scotty now! <3

  2. Lyn - Scotty has more hair than we do now! :) lol
