Friday, August 23, 2013

Weight loss program for those that like to do things the hard way

Still chuggin’ right along on the recovery train J  I had my first office visit back at Kaiser with my primary oncologist, Dr. Liel.  She was able to give me the results of my DEXA scan and said reported that my bone density is “a little on the low side” and indicates that I probably have osteopenia…but that its not full blown osteoporosis and that I shouldn’t have to take any bone strengthening meds.  Instead, she thinks that I should be just fine on the current Vitamin D and Calcium supplements that I am already taking.  This is wonderful news as my dentist had warned me that the bone density medications (like Boniva, etc) are very bad for your teeth and that I wanted to avoid having to take them (if at all possible).    Dr. Liel also referred me to an endocrinologist to discuss the hormone issues related to the probable early onset of menopause (due to all the super intensive chemo and totally body radiation pre-transplant).  So I have that appointment next week at the Kaiser office downtown and we will be discussing whether or not to put me back on birth control or artificial hormone replacement therapy.  This certainly wasn’t something that I thought I would be doing at 33 years old, but hey… I am getting this out of the way and will be able to enjoy my “golden years” without having to worry about “the change” J lol

While I was at the clinic seeing Dr. Liel we started talking about the past 2-3 years and everything my body has gone through with fertility medications, pregnancy, c-section delivery, the effects of the leukemia, the toxicity of the chemo & radiation as well as the whole transplant deal.  Dr. Liel kept telling me how great I looked and that she was very pleased to see me doing so well.  As we were talking, it struck me how resilient our bodies are.  We only get one body and mine has been through a whole lot these past few years.  As I continue to get stronger and stronger it is nice to feel like I have my body back.  I am working on losing weight and I’ve lost just over 100 lbs since having Scotty nearly 1 year ago.  Certainly, this recent ordeal isn’t the way I would have wanted to lose the weight but it certainly gave me a “kickstart” and I’m trying to keep that momentum going.  For all of you who read this that might have struggled with your weight…this is the first time in my life that I’ve weighed less than what my driver’s license says (that was a big deal for me when I hit that milestone!). J  I would love to go get a new drivers license but I don’t think I’ll do it till my hair grows out a little bit more. LOL

Aside from doctors appointments, I’ve spent this past week volunteering at my old job.  I’ve been helping them reconcile one of their fundraising events from last month, putting together packets, and stuffing envelopes/packets for a youth art contest.   I have noticed that I am TOTALLY exhausted when I get home from volunteering for a few hours.  I am realizing that Dr. Nash really does know what he’s talking about (hahaha) when it comes to my recovery and being able to return to work.  He keeps saying that I shouldn’t go back to work until I am off my immunosuppressant medication and even then it should probably be part time…so I guess I’m realizing that is going to likely be the reality.  (I’m pretty stubborn and it takes me a while to let things sink in when it doesn’t “go my way”…and this delay in returning to work is finally starting to sink in.)  Oh well, its giving me more time to focus on my family and my ongoing recovery. 

I talked to my Dad earlier this week and he will be coming out to Colorado at the end of next month to join us for the Light the Night walk (fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – Rocky Mountain Chapter).  I am really looking forward to participating in that and getting to experience the atmosphere at Washington Park that night.  My nurse coordinator from the CBCI clinic said that many of the staff from their office go, so it will be fun to see them outside of work as well J  I know that in my last blog entry I mentioned that I would give more details on the fundraising part of the walk, but I haven’t had a chance to get the link to my fundraising site.  I promise I’ll get it organized and post about it next week! J

Thanks again for all of the continued prayers and support.  I am so blessed to have everyone rooting for me and supporting me on my journey!

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