Friday, April 26, 2013

Intermission: Time for a breather and reflection

Guest blog from Rick (Chellie's dad)
Tuesday I saw something that I would have never hoped for, but something that will be one of those moments in my life I will cherish the most…our two kids bonding in a way that siblings rarely experience. Beyond their joking, camaraderie, and bravado I witnessed a literal and emotional life saving event: Kyle hooked up to that machine donating what will be the life-giving stem cells to provide Chellie with what she calls her “re-birthday”. Kyle humbly downplayed his role but I could see the pride, love, and true pleasure he takes in doing this for his sister. And Chellie has such obvious love and appreciation for what Kyle is doing. She would certainly do the same for him. They have always gotten along and been close, but this display was special for a parent. They drew strength and inspiration from each other. Made me very proud! And I think it gave them both a great lesson in “life” and what life is all about.

So as we patiently wait for the implantation of Kyle’s stem cells into Chellie this Friday evening, it seems like an appropriate time for an “intermission”…in several ways.  For Chellie, John and Scotty, this is literally the end of act one; ‘The Preparation’, and the beginning of act two; ‘The Recovery!’ For Debbie and me it also provides an appropriate and inspirational intermission for life in general.

So about this inspirational intermission.

You’ve heard this before, but it is so true: life is all that “stuff” that happens when you are busy going about your daily activities…and it is this stuff that often provides the best of life! We certainly didn’t see this coming and it has thrown us a curve on many levels, but beyond all that we have had our eyes opened to a few things. We of course “notice and appreciate” nice things in our daily lives. But these past couple of months have led us to this meaningful intermission to refocus and recalibrate our purpose and perspective going forward. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of relatives and friends, the courage shown by Chellie and her “boys”, and the love from everyone for Chellie. And we have gained a renewed appreciation for enjoying healthy relationships and good health. It is more than a cliché! Every day we wake up feeling vibrant and healthy is a blessing. Enjoying family is more meaningful. Getting outside and enjoying pain free exercise is a privilege…and it certainly isn’t as easy as it used to be! But that vital, lung filling breath of fresh Rocky Mountain air, especially when enjoyed with someone special, is the best! Thrive on it!!

Science is obviously instrumental in providing Chellie with this new chance at life, but is up to us to embrace it and reach out to live every day to its fullest potential. Being there for Chellie in her time of need is so special for us, and I know she looks forward to a long, healthy life so she can be there for Scotty. That is what life is all about and is exactly what I believe to be the theme of this intermission. Let the recovery begin! 

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