Sunday, May 5, 2013

Magic Mouthwash

Exactly 1 week since transplant.  Yesterday my counts were really low and I got 2 units of red blood cells and a bag of platelets.  I’ve said it again, and I’ll say it every time…thank goodness for all of those generous people out there who donate blood regularly! J  Just when I thought my ANC couldn’t get any lower than before (I was at 6 earlier this week)…this morning my nurse said I’m at 4.  It can pretty much only go up from here!  I have a little bit more energy today since I got the blood products yesterday, a welcome change!  For the first time in the past few days I only took 2 naps today (was taking 3-4 earlier).

While I was walking last night I heard the nurses talking about how “room 6” was getting his cells this afternoon.  I saw the big cryo-container sitting in the hall during my walk this afternoon…so “Happy Re-birthday” to the guy in Rm 6 down the hall! J

The nurse brought me in some new stuff yesterday to help my mouth ulcers.  They call it “magic mouthwash” and it has lidocaine (spelling?) in it to help numb my mouth so I can eat.  At first I was kind of skeptical…just the name alone reminded me of “magic brownies” but the nurse assured me there was no THC in the mouthwash J lol  I’ve only used it once cuz it tastes kinda grody, but it is effective and I won’t hesitate to keep using it if my mouth gets worse.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Obviously I’m not going anywhere, but some of my amazing coworkers will be running the Diva Dash up in Boulder and their team shirts say “Chellie’s Chicks” J  I will be thinking about them tomorrow morning….love those girls and can’t wait to see the pictures!
 On a totally unrelated note:  Please send prayers out for the firefighters and everyone working so hard to contain the wildfire just southwest of my hometown (Camarillo, CA).  Hope they get it contained very soon!


  1. magic mouthwash is the best :) hang in there!!! you're doing great! :)

  2. I have a pain in my gums and my teeth are getting longer. What should i do to prevent periodontal disease? can i stop gum disease from progressing?
