Monday, May 13, 2013

The "D" Word!

Despite missing out on some beautiful Denver springtime weather, I had a wonderful weekend.  My ANC continues to climb (was 170, then 271, and this morning it is 453)!  My doc believes I’ll be over 500 tomorrow and possibly close to 800 by the time I discharge later this week.  He said that we are tentatively planning for a discharge on Thursday afternoon!!!!!!!!  I am SO thrilled to simply have a date, let alone get home and hold Scotty and give JP a pat on the head J

If I indeed discharge on Thursday afternoon, then I’ll have an all day clinic appointment on Friday and then my mom arrives in Denver on Saturday morning!  Things are coming together nicely!  The maid service that my SIL gifted us will be coming to the house tomorrow afternoon to clean up and get the house ready for me to come home.  (Thanks Kate!)

I got to walk down to my chest x-ray this morning without my IV pole since my meds have all be converted to pills.  It was AWESOME! J  I still had to wear my “chickie gear” but it felt so nice to walk around and get off the unit even if it was only for 15 minutes!

John has been doing an EXCELLENT job transitioning Scotty to his crib!  The doctor had recommended that Scott not sleep in our room when I get home to ensure that I get a good night’s sleep since my body needs lots of rest to continue to grow all of these new cells.  Scotty had been sleeping in our room in a bassinet since we brought him home from the hospital last fall, but for the past 2 nights he has slept in his crib and has done wonderfully!  We are blessed with a good sleeper and I am so thankful that John has been so diligent about keeping Scotty on a routine for bedtime despite all of the craziness that has been going on for the past 3 months!  What an awesome Dad! J

I am so excited that in 3 days/3 nights I should be home with my boys (if all continues to go well).   Woo Hoo!!

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